Maternity Fashion Must Haves…

So I’m officially past the halfway mark in my pregnancy! The time is starting to fly by. I’ve definitely had to start buying more clothes to fit my bump. Although there’s lot of options when it comes to maternity fashion, a lot of them can be pretty expensive. The last thing I want to do is spent a lot of money on some clothes I’m not gonna wear that long. So I wanted to share some of my favorite places to shop. I like to look at clothes that are maternity as well as regular fit. A lot of my stretchy dresses I have aren’t technically maternity, but they fit my bump perfectly. My go to spots are H&M, Target, Old Navy, & Amazon.


H&M Maternity


Target Maternity


Old Navy



There’s plenty of options when it comes to styling your bump, and that includes lots of affordable options. I’d love to hear where you guys like to shop. Leave me a comment below!

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I’m Ravonda

Welcome to Chic Bargain Life! I share all things motherhood, travel, food, and lifestyle, all while on a budget. I like to keep things fun, but affordable. So join me as I share my side of motherhood in a way that doesn’t break the bank!

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